Doctoral Candidates

Saha Satvati
PhD Candidate – DC4
I wholeheartedly believe that “Essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.” – Hector Garcia. I feel fortunate to have spent the majority of my academic life learning biological sciences, which I am very passionate about. I experience joy and fulfillment in my exploration of science and learning new discoveries. I made a conscientious decision to pursue my research which would give me a sense of achievement and, at the same time, enable me to contribute towards improving the longevity and quality of people’s lives.
This is Saha, a Ph.D. student in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Siena. I completed my master’s in Medical Biotechnology. My master’s research project was focused on in silico and in vitro protein engineering. During this period, I got to use and learn about a variety of computational techniques and this was the incentive that made me choose computational biology research for my Ph.D. journey.
The Ph.D. program within the Marie Curie project “Stop Spread Bad Bugs” provides me with the life-changing opportunities which I have always been fascinated and looking for in a Ph.D. program. My ultimate goal is to become an independent investigator in the field of pharmaceutical sciences and discover new aspects of antimicrobial compounds.
Aside from work and science, I am an outdoorsy person and a health & fitness enthusiast.